Athletics NI Launch New Run NI Initiative
29 September 2020

Athletics NI have today launched a new running community-focused network, Run NI. Run NI aims to support runners and Run Leaders within Northern Ireland and bring them together in a safe, social and supportive space.
Over recent years, there has been huge growth in the running community within Northern Ireland. For many this is a social activity, with people choosing to run with friends and enjoy good company during exercise or for health reasons, both physical and mental, while others enjoy the goal-driven mentality of running and striving for their next PB or distance.
Members of the Athletics NI team have been working on the new Run NI initiative, created to help bridge the gap between casual running groups and Athletics NI affiliated clubs. Run NI offers specific benefits to Run NI Groups, including access to dedicated Run NI coaching staff for support; access to a Run Leaders Toolkit, with helpful information to support the growth of your running groups and a new Run NI website and associated social media channels.
Paula Wallace, Run NI Participation Coach for Antrim, Down and Armagh, said: “Running with others can provide huge motivational benefits and help runners get out of the door even when they may not feel like it. We see more and more people running with friends and in groups – some with a leader and some not. Some worry that they may not be at the right level to join a group or club. Our new Run NI website will list clubs and groups that have beginner programmes and we would like Run Leaders to get in touch and have their group listed on the site.”
Patricia Campbell, Run NI Participation Coach for Derry/Londonderry, Tyrone and Fermanagh, added: “We recognise that many runners and their leaders may not want to be part of an affiliated club, they enjoy meeting informally in groups to run as they please and don’t have the means or desire to form a constituted and registered body. Run NI has been set up to support these groups through an associative membership scheme.”
The Run NI website will be regularly updated with articles and blogs on training, planning and healthy living. Run Leaders will also gain access to the special Toolkit that contains training plans, demonstration videos, planning support and other expert advice. Run NI is for adults of all ages and abilities from those who want to start running to those who already run regularly either on their own or in social groups, all are welcome. You can find out more about Run NI here:
Or follow Run NI on social media, via the Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts.