Officials Level 1 Track & Field Training Courses March 2021

24 February 2021

Officials Level 1 Track & Field Training Courses March 2021

Athletics NI hope to offer virtual training courses in March to provide training for anyone who wishes to become a qualified Track & Field official.

Anyone who wishes to work under the supervision of a qualified UKA Technical Official in a specific discipline -Track, Field, Starter/ Starter’s Assistant with a view to becoming a qualified official should take this course. After completing the course candidates will have a knowledge and understanding in the following areas:

  • Appropriate attire/ equipment
  • Ability to follow duty sheet
  • Knowledge and application of rules relevant to the role (specific to Track Judge, Field Judge, Starter or Starter’s Assistant,
  • Relationship with other officials
  • Relationship with athletes
  • Health and Safety

At present virtual qualifications can be taken in the following disciplines

  • Field Judge
  • Track Judge
  • Starter

There is no assessment but after the course candidates need to carry out at least 4 competition experiences:

  • Field judges must complete experiences in both horizontal and vertical jumps and both shot and long throws.
  • Track judges must complete 4 competition experiences covering judging and umpiring duties
  • A starter needs to complete 4 experiences in both starting and starters assistant (8 experiences must be completed in total).

Candidates must also complete the Officials Online Health & Safety course. The dates for the online courses are still to be confirmed, and will be based on the numbers interested.

If you would be interested in completing the online training course as the start of your journey to become a qualified official, please complete the expression of interest form below:

Expression of Interest

If you have any questions about the upcoming courses or need more information about becoming an official please email Liz Glover at We will be in touch with more details on the courses soon.

Find out more about Becoming an Official.