OpenTrack Update

03 April 2023

OpenTrack Update

As you will be aware it is the start of the new registration year. We have been working with OpenTrack over the past year, to improve the system and make some developments, as detailed below:

Data Cleanup

OpenTrack are removing many duplicate athlete records which appeared in the system. In general, you might not have seen these, as there tends to be one record with the licence and with a user attached to it.  The plan is to look at the last few hundred tricky ones and then add a database index so duplicates can never again be created.

In some cases, somebody had two membership roles in the same club, which caused them to be listed twice on a club members page. These are now gone.

Claiming Athlete Profile

All athletes will now be able to ‘claim’ their profile, linking it to their OpenTrack login. Many athletes will have done this already, by default, but this development will also allow parent’s/guardians to manage their children’s accounts, on one login page.

Any athlete under the age of 16 will need a parent/guardian to manage their profile.

The ‘How To’ guide has been created to guide athletes through this process:

How To Claim Your Athlete Profile

Better Members Page

The club members pages on federation websites will now have an interface to "select multiple athletes", and then request renewal or pay for licences.  

This will open the door to new actions for club secretaries like "send these people an email", "mark their club membership as up-to-date", "these have left the club" etc. 

Membership Payments

The registration renewals will now be available to pay online, at the point of renewal. Clubs will be able to select multiple athletes to renew at the same time and will be sent through to the payment options page. This will hopefully reduce the administrative work for our clubs, and the office, by reducing the invoicing required.

This will be implemented over the next few days.


Disclaimers: every ANI athlete is being asked to sign the new UK Anti-Doping disclaimer on their next login, and will not be able to renew a licence until this is done. We track when they accept/decline. This is to ensure that all members understand and comply with the UK Anti-Doping rules.