UKA Rules for Competition 2022-2024

28 April 2022

UKA Rules for Competition 2022-2024

The fourth edition of the UKA Rule Book was released on 1st April 2022 and it is the fourth edition that is linked to the World Athletics (WA) rule book. Rule changes applicable to coaches preparing athletes for competition are summarised below.

Points to note and summary of changes include:

  • Shoe Rule: World Athletics did not include the latest shoe rule in the book and have instead placed it separately.  UKA has prepared a separate paper which is available at Rules of Competition | UK Athletics.  It should be noted that, despite World Athletics now indicating that their updated Shoe Regulations will be applicable to competitions at which World ranking Points are obtained  (see “Applicable Competition” under Specific Definitions), the guidance given previously here regarding application to UK domestic competition should continue to be followed.
  • The maximum distance allowed for U15s in all competitions (except Steeplechase) is 3000m subject to any limitations, as to standard or otherwise, set by the Competition Provider. Under 15 athletes may take part in competitions for older athletes, including Graded Competitions and other competitions (but not steeplechase) subject to the 3,000m maximum distance.
  • The maximum distance allowed for U17s in all competitions (except Steeplechase) is 5000m subject to any limitations, as to standard or otherwise, set by the Competition Provider. Under 17 athletes may take part in competitions for older athletes, including Graded Competitions and other competitions (but not steeplechase) subject to the 5,000m maximum distance.
  • Athletes must be 11 on August 31st prior to the start of the Competition Year rather than 11 on the day of the cross-country race race. This means that year 6 pupils cannot compete against years 7 and 8 pupils, and follows extensive consultation.
  • Paired fell and hill races: amended for when an Under 18 runner is competing, he / she may be accompanied by someone who is not the parent or guardian, on condition that the parent or guardian has given permission.
  • Athletes in U13, U15, U17 Schools events and in Open Graded Competitions will continue to receive a warning rather than immediate disqualification if causing a false start. This Supplement has been redrafted primarily in order to give greater clarity and to help to ensure consistent application with regard to Senior, U20 and U17 athletes who are competing in races within Open Graded Competitions.
  • Starts for Hearing Impaired Athletes: all starters are to use methods other than a gun for athletes with a hearing impairment
  • The UKA Rule Book will continue to be accessible at Rules of Competition | UK Athletics and the hard copy can be purchased at, email and telephone  01752 893742.  The cover price remains at £5.50 with an additional charge for delivery.

The new Rule Book came into force on April 1st, please address any queries to

In addition and subsequently to this, the following changes were also made by World Athletics. Click on the links to learn more:

Changes to Hammer and Discus Rules
Changes to horizontal jumps take off rules
Changes to lane infringement rules

UKA will be hosting two webinars on the 3rd and 23rd of May from 18:30-19:30 to answer any questions you have about the rule changes.

To book a place for the 3rd May webinar please click here
To book a place for the 23rd May webinar please click here

Please note that competitions within Northern Ireland may be hosted under UK Athletics rules, or the World Athletics (Athletics Ireland) rules.

For more information for Track & Field Competitions for athletes, parents and coaches within Northern Ireland, please visit our website: 

Information for Athletes for Track & Field Competitions