Useful Guidance, Documents & Support Organisations

Welfare Officer

For any club or group, it is recommended to have a Designated Welfare Officer so that your club members, athletes, parents and the general public can talk to anyone if they have any concerns. Athletics NI has template Welfare Officer posters that can be downloaded for hardcopy or adapted for promotion via your website or social media. Please see the templates below if needed:

Athletics NI Welfare Officer & Reporting Procedures


Safer Recruitment

Anyone undertaking a role that involves contact with or responsibility for children (or other vulnerable groups such as adults at risks) should be taken through a safer recruitment process.

Across the UK, statutory guidance highlights the responsibility of those in the education, community and care sectors to have policies and procedures in place that ensure they only employ suitable people to work or volunteer with children.

Sport relies on thousands of well-motivated staff and volunteers without whom most clubs, activities and events would not exist. It is essential that your club or activity has effective recruitment and selection procedures. This will help to create a safe workforce for both paid staff and volunteers, as well as helping to screen out and discourage those who are not suitable from joining your club or organisation. Further information on criminal record checks and licensing requirements are available here: AccessNI & Licensing

Further guidance on Safer Recruitment is also available through the CPSU:


Athlete Welfare Toolkit

Making the decision to report a coach, official, volunteer or fellow athlete can be a daunting and emotional task. This toolkit, produced by Kyniska Advocacy, and has been made by athletes, for athletes, to make the reporting system as open, supportive, and clear as possible, so that you know what to expect.

The toolkit will take you through the steps to reporting, who can support you, and where you can go for guidance.

Athlete Welfare Toolkit

Keeping Your Child Safe in Sport

To keep children safe in sport, it is important for everyone to do their bit to protect children from abuse and parents and carers can help keep children safe in sport by knowing what to look out for and how to raise concerns. You can access free guidance and support through the support documents below. For clubs and other partners, these resources can be used to promote a safer culture for all.

KYCSIS Athletics NI Match Game Programme A4

KYCSIS Athletics NI Match Game Programme A4 (short copy)

KYCSIS Athletics NI Match Game Programme A5


WhatsApp Guidance

WhatsApp can be a great tool for your club's members, volunteers, parents and young people. The CPSU have created this guide to help support your club if they are thinking of using, or are already using, WhatsApp.

This guide covers:

  • What is WhatsApp?
  • How WhatsApp is used within sport clubs, community groups and physical activities
  • The positives and downsides
  • Possible safeguarding concerns and risks to consider
  • Printable safer WhatsApp checklist



Useful Documents & Links:

UK Athletics

Further support, guidance and documents are available from UK Athletics here:

Child Protection in Sport Unit

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is part of the NSPCC and is funded by Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Wales and UK Sport.

The CPSU was founded in 2001 in response to a series of high-profile cases of abuse of young athletes. Our aim is to help improve safeguarding and child protection practices within sport organisations, to ensure all children and young people are safe while participating in sport.

Athletics NI work in partnership with the CPSU to support the creation of a safer environment for children within Athletics across Northern Ireland.

You can get in contact with the CPSU in Northern Ireland on 028 9035 1135 or via the website (


Athletics NI support the NSPCC & Childline's aim to raise awareness and understanding of the issues concerning young people in sport.

If you are concerned that a young person is at risk of suicide or self-harm, don’t wait until you’re certain - contact the NSPCC helpline for advice and support on 0808 800 5000, by emailing or text 88858.

If you are under 18 years or younger, you can call Childline direct to talk about anything that is worrying you. They are open 24/7 and talking to them is totally free.

Call 0800 1111 or visit their website where you can have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email to one of their counsellors.

Ann Craft Trust

The Ann Craft Trust (ACT) is a national charity which exists to minimise the risk of abuse of disabled children and adults at risk. Through pioneering training, practice reviews and contributing to world-leading research, they support organisations to safeguard disabled children and adults at risk and minimise the risk of harm.

For further information on the Ann Craft Trust, visit the website ( or contact them via 0115 951 5400 or